Archbishop Cordileone opens academic year at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University with Mass of the Holy Spirit
St. Patrick’s Seminary and University kicked-off their academic year August 30 with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Traditionally held at the beginning of the school year, the Mass is an opportunity for the Seminary students, faculty, staff, and benefactors to pray for guidance and wisdom in their academic and spiritual formation.
Celebrated by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, the liturgy included the oath of fidelity by new faculty members and concluded with a Eucharistic procession around campus followed by benediction.
In his homily, Archbishop Cordileone discussed the importance of prayer and study, calling St. Patrick’s approach, “kneeling theology” where prayer and study coalesce “to conform the mind and heart to Christ to deepen our knowledge of him and our love for him.”
He went on to encourage the seminarians saying, “It’s about having a heart and mind open to the working of the Holy Spirit—a smooth path for the spirit to operate and teach us all the good things that he wants us to learn.”
Originally established in 1898, St. Patrick’s Seminary and University has formed priests for the Archdiocese of San Francisco and other dioceses and religious orders for the past 124 years. The Seminary describes their formation as an integrated process of human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation around core values of Spiritual Fatherhood, Fidelity, Holiness, Wisdom, Evangelization, Resiliency and Compassion.
“We once again begin the new academic year, invoking the assistance of the Holy Spirit, who comes to our aid to help us in our prayer and our understanding of his teaching to us,” noted Archbishop Cordileone in his homily. “Be faithful and fervent in prayer, diligent and dutiful in study, generously availing yourself of the good things God has given you here at St. Patrick’s Seminary, always being thankful for these blessings—all possible due to your very generous faculty, staff, benefactors and trustees.”