Online School Of Pastoral Ministry
The Transforming Power
of Suffering Love
With Dr. Margaret Turek
Six Tuesdays from 7 PM to 8:00 PM, (PST)
Beginning Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Required text:
Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
Margaret M Turek (Ignatius Press, 2022).
Article in Catholic San Francisco Magazine by Dr. Margaret Turek (February 13, 2024):
Atonement: The transforming power of suffering love
Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
by Margaret M. Turek S.T.D.
This book presents the chief insights concerning the mystery of atonement in the works of four theological guides: John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Norbert Hoffmann.
The author argues for the central importance and perennial value of a theology of atonement, even as she explains the modern aversion to it. The book’s central aim is to deepen our understanding of the biblical claim that God shows himself to be love precisely by sending his Son as atonement. “In this is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins” (1 Jn 4:10).
The book develops a compelling vision of atonement as a process that originates from and is engendered by God’s own power to love. This vision not only takes account of the gravity of sin and its consequences, but also provides a clear illumination of the wholly gratuitous, radically forgiving, passionate and powerful nature of God’s redeeming love for mankind.
Distinct from the majority of theological accounts of atonement, which focus almost exclusively on the role of Christ, this book highlights the role of God the Father in the atoning mission of the Son.
Abraham & Isaac: Love, Sacrifice,
& Trust with Dr. Margaret Turek in
The Bible Timeline Show with Jeff Cavins
Are you familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac? For many, this story is difficult to understand. How can a good and benevolent God ask a father to sacrifice his only son? In an illuminating discussion, Jeff Cavins and Dr. Margaret Turek delve into this famous Scripture narrative. Together, they unravel the layers of meaning within the story of Abraham and Isaac, shedding light on how it unveils the depths of God’s love and wisdom.
Class 1 (February 20, 2024)
What We Get Wrong about the Doctrine of Atonement
Class 2 (February 27, 2024)
Forgiveness and Atonement in the Old Testament: the Interplay of Love that Bears Sin Away
Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
Class 3 (March 5, 2024)
Forgiveness and Atonement in the New Testament: the Atoning Mission of the Son of God
HANDOUT: updated notes from Dr. Turek Handout_1_on_Atonement_Ch-1_2024-03-06
Class 4 (March 12, 2024)
Forgiveness and Atonement in the New Testament: The Cross as a Dramatic Epiphany of the God who is Love (1 Jn 4:9-10)
HANDOUT: Chapter 2: Atonement in the New Testament Handout-2_on_Atonement_Ch2_2024-03-26
Class 5 (March 19, 2024)
“Be imitators of God as beloved children”: Called to be Co-atoners in Christ (Eph 5:1)
HANDOUT: Chapter 3: Renewing a Spiritual Theology of Atonement Handout-3_on_Atonement_Ch3_2024-03-26
Class 6 (March 26, 2024)
“He Emptied Himself” (Phil 2:7): Spiritual Almsgiving and Atonement