San Francisco
The online and print magazine
of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
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Keep up with the latest happenings in and around the Archdiocese.
Restoring Hope
Missionaries of Charity Celebrate Life and Legacy of St. Mother Teresa with 25-Year Anniversary Mass and Festival
Archbishop Cordileone opens academic year at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University with Mass of the Holy Spirit
Big win for parental rights as vaccine bill dies on last day of CA legislative session
Eight diaconate candidates installed to the Ministry of Lector
Adrian Dominican Sister, Sister Mary Soher who Served in Archdiocese of San Francisco Marks Jubilee
Rome decrees Plenary Indulgence for Legion of Mary’s Centennial Anniversary
Jubilarian priests celebrate ordination anniversaries
Giving back and paying it forward: Why making a will is so important for Catholics
Father Aloysius Preston, SDB 1928-2022
‘Faithful fans’ cheer Giants
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