14th Annual Priests Retirement Luncheon to Support Our Retired Priests
Cost: https://www.sfarch.org/prflunch/
14th Annual Priests Retirement Luncheon to support our retired Priests
Friday, October 11, 2024 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco

10:30 a.m. Social Hour in the St. Francis Room
Includes music, appetizers, and a photo booth.
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Honorees for 2024 are Rev. Anthony LaTorre and Rev. Paul Rossi
September 21 – 22, 2024: Priests Retirement Funds Special Collection
October 11, 2024: In-person Priests Retirement Luncheon
The Priests Retirement Luncheon is one of the highlights of the year and is integral to the Archdiocese’s ability to care for our retired Priests. Over $2,800,000 has been raised since the Luncheon began in 2011. Without this tremendous support, our retired Priests would not receive the care they need and deserve. On behalf of everyone committed to caring for our retired Priests, we offer our most sincere thanks for your support.
If you are not able to attend, but would like to donate, you can do it here or send your gift to:
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Priests Retirement Fund
One Peter Yorke Way,
San Francisco, CA 94109
For information on the Luncheon and/or the Special Collection, contact Rose Marie Wong, 415-614-5517 or [email protected].