Epiphany Center’s 14th Annual Celebrating Mothers Luncheon

Epiphany Center’s 14th Annual Celebrating Mothers Luncheon
May 4, 2022
11:30am - 6:00pm
The St. Francis Yacht Club
99 Yacht Rd
San Franisco, CA
Cost: $150.00
The inspiring afternoon will include a gourmet lunch overlooking the Bay, a spectacular orchid sale, an online silent auction, and an uplifting client testimonial. Join mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and friends old and new to celebrate those who have given love, hope, and transformation. Supporting holistic, life-changing services for San Francisco’s most vulnerable children, women, and families, tickets are $150 per person. Make your reservation at the TheEpiphanyCenter.org or call 415-351-4055
Website: TheEpiphanyCenter.org
Epiphany Center’s 14th Annual Celebrating Mothers Luncheon
May 4, 2022
11:30am - 6:00pm
The St. Francis Yacht Club
99 Yacht Rd
San Franisco, CA
Sally Robb Haims