Vote No on Prop 1

A Letter to the Faithful from Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Dear Faithful of the Archdiocese of San Francisco,

As you likely know, we are at a critical moment right now in the history of California: voters this November will be asked whether or not they support the “right” to abortion for all nine months, without any restrictions or limitations, being written into our state constitution. It is indeed a very disturbing indication of the state of our current political climate that such a question will be asked in the form of Proposition 1 on the November 8 ballot.

Proposition 1 was passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor, and now must go to a vote of the people, requiring a simple majority for its approval. The California bishops have made defeating Prop 1 our number one priority for this year, and we ask every Catholic in the state to become educated on this dangerous bill, encourage others to oppose it, and support the “No on Prop 1 Campaign” with your prayer, fasting and financial contributions.

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone urges a No Vote on Proposition One, a proposed amendment to the California Constitution on the Nov. 8 ballot. Proposition One would enshrine in the state constitution the right to abortion without limitations up until just prior to birth, expanding the state’s already permissive abortion laws that currently allow abortion without restriction until six months of pregnancy.


(Paid for by The Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, a corporation sole.)


What is Prop 1?

Prop 1 would enshrine the right to unlimited abortion at taxpayer expense, including late-term abortion, into the California Constitution. 

A “no” vote on Prop 1 would keep the current laws exactly as they are, with abortion legal in California throughout pregnancy, but with limits in the third trimester.

California already spends large amounts of funds on abortions. This would increase that total, with additional funding going to thousands traveling from other states as lawmakers try to make California an “abortion sanctuary.”

For updates from the California Catholic Conference, which is spearheading the state bishops’ campaign against Prop 1, sign up below.

What can you do?

First, vote “No” on Prop 1 on November 8.

Second, help spread the word. We are working with teams of volunteers at each parish and we need more support.

Third, stay informed about upcoming events, including a Novena in October.

Finally, support the Gabriel Project, which assists pregnant women in need here in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to Defeat Proposition 1

Join us virtually each day from September 29 – October 7 as we pray a Novena to defeat Proposition 1.

The prayers will take place as follows:
Thursday, September 29: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Friday, September 30: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Saturday, October 1: 8:30 am in English, 9:00 am in Spanish
Sunday, October 2: 8:30 am in English, 9:00 am in Spanish
Monday, October 3: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Tuesday, October 4: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Wednesday, October 5: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Thursday, October 6: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Friday, October 7: 12:30 pm in English, 1:00 pm in Spanish


You can also use the prayers or the videos, below, to pray on your own schedule.

I plan to attend in

Molly Sheahan, associate director of respect life at the California Catholic Conference, spoke at a recent Respect Life training, urging us to take action against Prop 1.

Church of the Good Shepherd’s respect life coordinator Maria Manolato and Knight of Columbus Jeff Patino spoke at weekend Masses about why they believe Catholics should vote no on Proposition 1.

Paid for by The Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, a corporation sole.