
Superintendent of Catholic Schools for
the Archdiocese of San Francisco

Archdiocese of San Francisco announces new Superintendent of Catholic Schools

While the politics and policies that govern immigration law and enforcement can be complex, I would like to reinforce with you some guiding principles that were shared in a joint… Read More

The Archdiocese of San Francisco has initiated a search for the new Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the 2024-2025 academic year.

It has engaged search consultant Partners in Mission, the nation’s leading full-service consulting firm focuses exclusively on developing excellence in Catholic schools advancement and leadership. Their goal is to identify candidates who are aligned with the mission of the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of San Francisco to cultivate the virtuous life, nurture Christian community, and nurture a Catholic worldview.

Superintendent Search

“As educator, you are called to nurture the desire for truth, goodness, and beauty that lies into the heart of each individual, so that all many learn how to love life and be open to the fullness of life.”

Letters to the Community


October 25, 2023

“Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love.”

Saint John Paul II

Welcome Back! I am so excited to welcome you back to another year of excellent Catholic education in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I hope you were all able to get some relaxation during July. My team and I all had the opportunity for some time away. While I took a staycation, members of the DCS traveled around the world, including Central America, Canada, Mexico, and Africa. I have heard from many of you who also travel this summer, so whether you stayed in the Bay Area or traveled the globe, I hope you connected with family, friends, and yourself.

This school year, we will focus specially and intentionally on the Eucharistic. This “sacrament of love” is the source and summit of the Christian life (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1324). I have shared with many of you my experience at Assumption School when my pastor and I implemented weekly Mass for the whole school community every Monday morning. Starting our week in community with Christ set the tone for our week and our interactions with each other. As our Archdiocese and country celebrate a Eucharistic Revival, I hope that our schools can find simple and meaningful ways to incorporate this celebration of the Eucharist into the everyday life of our communities.

On a personal note, after much prayer and discernment, I have decided that the 23/24 school year will be my last as Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I have loved working with my DCS team and all of you more than I can say, but, as one of my favorite Old Testament passages says, “for everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” As I enter my 10th year in the Archdiocese and my 7th year as Superintendent, this is my time to move aside and make room for new leadership. I am announcing my decision this early in the school year so the Archbishop and Fr. Summerhays have ample time to find a new Superintendent for the 24/25 school year and so I can assist in a smooth transition. I am still Superintendent for the next 11 months and am dedicated and excited to support you and enjoy every moment of this school year. Fr. Summerhays will provide additional information on the search for a new Superintendent in the coming months.

Pam Lyons


November 1, 2023

Dear Catholic School Administrators and Teachers,

I hope the present school year is off to a great start!

As many of you know, our Superintendent of the Department of Catholic Schools, Pam Lyons, announced in early August that, after prayerful discernment, she plans to step down from her position at the end of this academic year.  On behalf of Archbishop Cordileone and the Archdiocese of San Francisco, I wish to recognize her leadership.  During her tenure, DCS has built rapport with teachers and administrators throughout the Archdiocese, worked collaboratively with pastors and school leaders, updated the teacher pay structure, offered new opportunities for professional development, and risen to countless challenges, none bigger than navigating the COVID-19 shutdown — keeping our students and employees safe while offering continuity with continued instruction.  We are so proud of her and her team!

I wish to announce that we are planning to conduct a national search for Pam’s successor.  Toward that end, I have interviewed several firms and formed a superintendent search committee, asking Tim Navone, the President of Marin Catholic High School, to serve as its chairman.  We also asked for an independent consultant to conduct an “enrichment visit,” touring several elementary and high schools, leading focus groups with pastors and school leaders as well as interviewing different members of the DCS staff.  We are making progress and plan to engage a national search firm very soon.  Please look for another message soon from Tim Navone, announcing that engagement, an anticipated timeline for this search, and a prospectus for this open position.

May God bless you in your essential mission to educate and form our students in the Catholic faith.


Fr. Summerhays


January 16, 2024

Dear School Community of the Archdiocese of San Francisco,

The search for our Archdiocese’s next Superintendent of Catholic Schools has reached a significant milestone and is worthy of an update. Recently, the Search Committee held interviews with a number of highly-qualified semi-finalist candidates from across the country. After committee discussion, review of desired attributes and qualifications, and prayerful discernment, the Search Committee is advancing three finalists to visit the Archdiocese on January 19, 25, and 26. These visits will afford additional stakeholders in the Archdiocese the opportunity to meet each candidate and a chance for both the community and the candidate to determine a mutual fit.

The finalists will spend a portion of each day at some school campuses and at the Chancery individually meeting with school and diocesan leaders. Those meeting with the candidates will receive a paper copy of each finalist’s curriculum vitae.  To aid the Search Committee, the search consultants will seek survey feedback from those meeting with each finalist.

It was evident to all members of the Search committee that the candidates we have met with have a deep passion and understanding for the bold vision for Catholic education in our Archdiocese today, that is, to lead the renewal of faithful, integral Catholic formation and education animated by the Church’s mission to make disciples and to teach all the nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

As we begin this last stage of the search process, your continued prayers and support remain greatly appreciated.

God bless,

Tim Navone
Chair of the Search Committee

Superintendent Search FAQ

Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions is the retained search division of Partners in Mission, the nation’s leading full-service consulting firm focused exclusively on developing excellence in Catholic school advancement and leadership. As partners among ourselves and with our clients’ missions, we value, understand, and embrace the importance of Catholic education in our personal and professional lives — and remain committed to ensuring its strength and vitality for years to come. Engaged by religious and school communities, boards and dioceses, our team of dedicated search consultants have identified and secured mission-driven professionals to serve in a myriad of diverse Catholic school and diocesan leadership positions from Massachusetts to Hawaii.

Who is leading the search process?

Tim Navone, President of Marin Catholic High School, is the chair of the search committee for the new Superintendent of Catholic Schools. We also asked for an independent consultant to conduct an “enrichment visit,” touring several elementary and high schools, leading focus groups with pastors and school leaders as well as interviewing different members of the Department of Catholic Schools (DCS) staff. In our effort to secure the best and brightest candidates for our Superintendent from near and far, we have retained Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions ( to serve as our search counsel. Partners in Mission ( is a nationally recognized full-service consulting firm focused exclusively on delivering excellence in Catholic school leadership, advancement, and enrollment management

Kyle Pietrantonio will be our principal search consultant for the Superintendent search. In October, Kyle visited several campuses and met students, parents, clergy, faculty, staff, board, and administrative leaders. Enriched with these many perspectives and working jointly with our Search Committee, Partners in Mission will develop a detailed Search Prospectus that highlights our exciting leadership opportunity.

What is the role of the Search Committee?

The role of the search committee is to identify and secure our next Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Superintendent Pamela Lyons will be stepping down at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.. As the search progresses, the Partners in Mission team will be working with a wide range of individuals within their extensive network of mission-driven Catholic leaders from across the nation. Their search efforts will focus on prospective candidates most familiar with our competitive market, gradually expanding their extensive outreach initiatives throughout the United States to recruit only the most personally, professionally, and culturally fit leaders. Ultimately, they will develop a vetted list of top candidates for our search committee’s consideration in January 2024. The search committee will meet shortly thereafter narrowing this pool to a list of semi-finalists whom they will interview. This select group will be interviewed only by the search committee to preserve candidates’ confidentiality. Confidentiality throughout this process is standard practice when conducting a leadership search. The search committee includes a representative group of religious/priests, diocesan staff, and school personnel.

After semi-finalist interviews, the finalists (typically two or three) will be selected by the search committee. The finalists (and spouses, if applicable), if not already local, will have the opportunity to visit the Archdiocese in January or February for individual day-long visits. The search committee will meet again shortly after the last finalist’s visit to review all the information gathered throughout the process, which will include feedback received from members of our Archdiocesan school community who have had an opportunity to engage with all finalists. At the conclusion of this process, the search committee will recommend the finalist candidates to the Archbishop who will ultimately appoint the next Superintendent. 

Whom do I contact if I have any questions or comments about the search?

Tim Navone
President, Marin Catholic
Search Committee, Chair

[email protected]