archdiocese of san francisco
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is the principal Christian celebration. It can be easy to over sentimentalize.
The windows of St. Isabella
The windows of St. Isabella Catholic Church in Terra Linda in Marin County form a series of meditations from Palm Sunday to the Ascension.
Everyone Should Oppose These California Vaccine Mandate Bills
This is not a piece about the ethics of aborted-fetal-cell-derived vaccines. You’ve no doubt read enough of those. It’s not a piece about COVID-19 vaccines or vaccines in general. Again,… Read More
LENT: Drawn by Faith
The parking lot of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Daly City is now something of a permanent gallery for the artwork of priest-in-residence Father Rey Culaba.
From the Archbishop: Lent as a time to make space for God
Once upon a time, many years ago, I experienced making a private retreat at the Camaldolese hermitage in Big Sur. I was only a couple of years ordained at the… Read More
News for kids: Masks no longer required for religious ed, parish activities
Students who attend religious education classes or participate in any parish youth activities will not be required to wear masks, according to an FAQ sent out by the archdiocesan Department… Read More
Archdiocese committed to seven-year Laudato Si’ Action Platform
Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a new global campaign to bring the message of his 2015 encyclical more fully into the lives of the faithful
Archbishop: Urkraine holds a unique and pivotal place in the Christian world
BELMONT _ The annual Ecumenical Service of Salutations to the Holy Cross is frequently a joyous coming together of the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic communities of the San Francisco… Read More
“The Cross: Our Ladder to Heaven and Source of Peace”
Sermon for An Ecumenical Service of Salutations to the Holy Cross, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
The lives you impact through your support of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA)
You impact many lives through your support of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA). I thank you for your generosity, your deeds, and your commitment to our Catholic faith. Because of… Read More
Flocknote works!
Flocknote helps the Archdiocese of San Francisco to create a more connected Archdiocese by enabling pastors, office staff and key volunteers to communicate with their “flocks” using email and text… Read More
California lifts school mask mandate
Today, the Newsom Administration announced the state’s requirement for masking in schools will expire on Friday, March 11, allowing students, regardless of vaccination status, to be without a face mask… Read More