Walking With Moms In Need
“Every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has value in and of itself; it is of inestimable value”
Pope Francis
“In firmly rejecting ‘pro-choice’ it is necessary to become courageously ‘pro woman,’ promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women. … The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman.”
Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities
Help Mothers and their Babies
You are not alone! The Archdiocese of San Francisco sponsors Gabriel Project and Project Rachel which helps women and men heal the pain of abortion and to find the path to peace and reconciliation
Visit Project Rachel’s website to learn more about healing retreats and other resources for women who have undergone an abortion.
Or call 415-614-5567
Pregnant and need help? We’re willing to help!
or call 1-800-910-0191
Walking with Moms in Need is a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. It works to ensure that any woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, or parenting in difficult circumstances, can turn to her local Catholic Church and be connected with the resources she needs.
Visit: Walking with Moms in Need
The Truth about Abortion and Women’s Health
– Abortion does not save women’s lives.
– Outlawing abortion will not affect treatment for miscarriage.
– Women can get the lifesaving treatments they need—without abortion.

Background Information
On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization holding that, “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.”
In response, California doubled down on abortion. Voters approved Proposition 1 in November 2022 which codifies a right to abortion for all nine months until birth in the California state constitution. In addition, the overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision has resulted in other extreme measures being enacted by California’s legislature and governor.
Those promoting abortion are also advancing false arguments that state that life-saving procedures in case of ectopic pregnancies would be illegal if abortion were ever made illegal. Click on the link below to learn more about what the Dobbs decision says and what the Catholic Church teaches. You can also download a one-page resource sheet on “The Truth about Abortion and Women’s Health.”
We must redouble our efforts to accompany women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, as well as to offer mercy to those suffering from abortion.
All donations are 100 percent tax-deductible through the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Tax ID 94-1156707.
The purpose of the fund is to offer one-time or short-term help to Gabriel Project clients with extraordinary needs, particularly childcare and/or housing. Other extraordinary, unspecified short-term needs might be eligible. The funds would not be repaid. The funds are allocated to clients who are working with the Gabriel Project, but being part of the ministry is not a guarantee of receiving this help. Each grant of funds would be recommended by an Angel/volunteer and/or Gabriel Project coordinator. Final approval would be by the director of the Office of Human Life & Dignity.
If you choose to donate via check
Please make the checks payable to: Archdiocese of San Francisco, Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund.
Mail your check to:
Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund,
Office of Human Life & Dignity,
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Pastoral Center,
One Peter Yorke Way,
San Francisco, CA 94109.
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