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Church of the Assumption of Mary Parish
Clergy: Fr. Juan Manuel Lopez
Tomales, CA 94971-0082
Our Lady of Loretto Parish
Clergy: Fr. Tony S. Vallecillo, Fr. Clement C. Okeke
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Clergy: Fr. Patrick T. Michaels
Sacred Heart Parish
Clergy: Fr. Erick E. Arauz
Saint Anselm Parish
Clergy: Fr. Gabriel Wankar, Fr. Jerome Murphy
Ross, CA 94957
Saint Anthony of Padua Parish
Clergy: Fr. Felix B. Lim
Saint Cecilia Parish
Clergy: Fr. Martin S. Njoalu VC
Lagunitas, CA 94938
Saint Hilary Parish
Clergy: Fr. Roger G. Gustafson
Saint Isabella Parish
Clergy: Fr. Cyril J. O’Sullivan, Fr. Emmanuel Adams
San Rafael, CA 94903
Saint Patrick Parish
Clergy: Msgr. Michael Padazinski
Saint Raphael Parish
Clergy: Fr. Luello N. Palacpac, Fr. Santos Rodriguez, Fr. Cornelius I. Anki
Saint Rita Parish
Clergy: Fr. Kenneth M. Weare, Fr. Sebastine T. O. Bula VC, Fr. Martin S. Njoalu VC
Saint Sebastian Parish
Clergy: Fr. William H. Thornton
Office of Development
Church of the Epiphany
Clergy: Fr. Eugene D. Tungol, Fr. Marvin Paul Felipe
Church of the Nativity
Clergy: Fr. Eugeniusz Bolda SCh
Church of the Visitacion
Clergy: Fr. Thuan V. Hoang JCL
Corpus Christi Parish
Clergy: Fr. Thomas Thodukulam SDB, Fr. Edward Liptak, Fr. Gustavo Martagon SDB
Mission Dolores Basilica
Clergy: Fr. Francis M. P. Garbo
Most Holy Redeemer Parish
Clergy: Fr. Matthew B. Link CCPS
Daily Mass: Mon-Fri 8:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm
Sunday Mass: 8:00am, 10:00am & 6:30pm
Holy Days: 8:00am & 7:00pm
Thanksgiving Day: 10:00am
Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Face coverings are recommended while attending Mass
National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi
Clergy: Fr. John De La Riva OFMCap, Fr. Roberto A. Barbato OFM Cap
Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish
Clergy: Fr. Juan J. Gonzalez SM, Fr. Joseph McLaughlin, Fr. Alfred Puccinelli, Fr. Gregory D. Heidenblut OSA
Old St. Mary’s Cathedral & Chinese Mission
Clergy: Fr. John Burk Ardis CSP, Fr. Michael Evernden, Fr. Thomas Tavella, Fr. Ivan O. Tou
Our Lady of Fatima Russian Byzantine Catholic Parish
Clergy: Fr. Kevin Kennedy
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Clergy: Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, Fr. Martin Yusuf OSA
Saint Agnes Parish
Clergy: Fr. Alejandro Baez SJ, Fr. Joseph Spieler
Saint Anne of the Sunset Parish
Clergy: Fr. Daniel Nascimento
Saint Benedict Parish
Clergy: Fr. Paul M. Zirimenya
Saint Boniface Parish
Clergy: Fr. John Luat Nguyen OFM, Fr. John Hardin OFM
Saint Brendan Parish
Clergy: Fr. Michael F. Quinn
Saint Cecilia Parish
Clergy: Fr. Rene Ireneo Ramoso, Fr. Sebastine T. O. Bula VC, Fr. Celestine Tyowua
Saint Dominic’s Catholic Church
Clergy: Fr. Michael J. Hurley OP, Fr. Patrick Rooney OP, Fr. Vincent M. Kelber OP
7:30 a.m. Quiet Mass
9:30 a.m. Family Mass (also live streamed)
11:30 a.m. Solemn Mass
1:30 p.m. Mass (in Spanish)
5:30 p.m. Mass with Contemporary music
8:00 a.m. (also live streamed); 5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. (also live streamed); 5:30 p.m. Vigil for Sunday
Liturgy of the Hours
Morning Prayer: Monday – Friday 7:15 a.m.; (Saturday 8:15 a.m.
Evening Prayer: Monday – Friday 5:00 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday 4:45 p.m.
Reconciliation (Confession)
30 minutes before the Saturday Vigil Mass and the Sunday Masses (except 1:30 pm) or by appointment only during the week. Call the parish office to schedule the appointment during the week, 415.567.7824.
Young Adult Mass
Last Wednesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. in the Main Church
Saint Elizabeth Parish
Clergy: Fr. Charles Puthota Ph.D.
Saint Emydius Parish
Clergy: Fr. Jose Shaji
Saint Finn Barr Parish
Clergy: Fr. William H. McCain, Fr. Raphael Laizer
Saint Gabriel Parish
Clergy: Fr. Thomas M. Hamilton, Fr. Andrew P. Spyrow
Saint Ignatius Parish
Clergy: Fr. Gregory Ross Bonfiglio SJ, Fr. Ed Coleman, Fr. Paul Devot SJ, Fr. John D. Whitney SJ
Saint John of God Parish
Clergy: Fr. Narcis Laurent Kabipi, Fr. Te Van Nguyen
Saint John the Evangelist Parish
Clergy: Fr. Agnel Jose De Heredia Ph.D.
Saint Kevin Parish
Clergy: Fr. Henryk Ryszard Noga SVD, Fr. Miguel Ruiz SVD
Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption
Clergy: Fr. Jerald M. Geronimo, Fr. Kevin Kennedy
Saint Michael Korean Parish
Clergy: Fr. Youngsaeng (Paul) Goo
Saint Patrick Parish
Clergy: Fr. Roberto Almeyda Andrey, Fr. Teodoro P. Magpayo
Saint Paul Parish
Clergy: Fr. James Liebner SDV, Fr. Mario Paul Farana
Saint Peter Parish
Clergy: Fr. Armando Gutierrez JCD, Fr. Moises R. Agudo, Fr. Deyvis Lopez-Jarquin
Saint Stephen Parish
Clergy: Fr. Michael Liliedahl, Fr. David A. Schunk
St. Teresa of Avila Parish
Clergy: Fr. Michael Greenwell O.Carm, Fr. Michael Kwiecien, Fr. Gregory Houck OCarm
Saint Thomas More Parish
Clergy: Fr. Marvin Paul Felipe, Fr. Richard Van De Water
Saint Vincent De Paul Parish
Clergy: Fr. Michael J. Healy, Fr. Arturo L. Albano
Saints Peter and Paul Parish
Clergy: Fr. Tho Bui, Fr. Albert Mengon, Fr. Gustavo Ramirez, Fr. Vien Nguyen SDB
St. Monica – St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
Clergy: Fr. Te Van Nguyen, Fr. William Eugene Brown, Fr. Benjamin Rosado, Fr. Jerome Murphy
Star of the Sea Parish
Clergy: Fr. Joseph Illo, Fr. Michael Konopik
All Souls Parish
Clergy: Fr. Kazimierz J. Abrahamczyk SVD, Fr. Jerome Bai SVD
Church of the Good Shepherd
Clergy: Fr. Charito E. Suan
Church of the Nativity
Clergy: Fr. Mark D. Doherty, Fr. Kyle J. Faller
Holy Angels Parish
Clergy: Fr. Alex L. Legaspi, Fr. Chinonso Ugonna Okoroichi
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Clergy: Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Fr. Cameron Pollette
Mater Dolorosa Parish
Clergy: Fr. Vito Perrone COSJ, Fr. Joseph Homick COSJ
Our Lady of Angels Parish
Clergy: Fr. Michael Mahoney OFM Cap, Fr. Brian McKenna, Fr. James Stump, Fr. Joyson Thomas, OFM Cap
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Clergy: Fr. Domingo Orimaco, Fr. Alner U. Nambatac
Saint Matthew Parish
Clergy: Msgr. John J. Talesfore, Fr. Jorge Arias Salazar, Fr. Antonio A. de Guzman, Fr. Rufino J Gepiga, Fr. Stephen Idoko VC
Saint Peter Parish
Clergy: Fr. Jerome P. Foley
St. Pius Church
Clergy: Fr. Thomas V. Martin, Fr. Patrick C. Okoye
Sat. 5:00 PM
Sun. 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish), 5:00 PM
Confessions: Sat. 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Saint Raymond Parish
Clergy: Fr. Jerome Cudden OP, Fr. Pawel Zybura
Saint Robert Parish
Clergy: Fr. Arnold E. Zamora, Fr. Bonifacio Espeleta
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Clergy: Fr. Michael Rocha, Fr. Manuel D. Igrobay
5:00pm – Vigil for Sunday
9:00am, 10:30am
12:00pm – En Español
Weekdays 8:00 a.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Saturdays from 3:30 – 4:30 pm or by appointment
San Mateo, CA 94401
Saint Veronica Parish
Clergy: Fr. Patrick J. Driscoll, Fr. Oliver Ortese
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Clergy: Msgr. Romulo Alberto Vergara, JCD, Fr. Ian Quito, Fr. Jerome A. Magat
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Clergy: Fr. Augusto E. Villote
Our Lady of the Pillar Parish
Clergy: Fr. José Margarito Corral, Fr. Mark Taheny
Saint Andrew Parish
Clergy: Fr. Arsenio G. Cirera, Fr. Christian Anyanwu
Saint Anthony Parish
Clergy: Fr. Marius Beczek, OSJ, Fr. Thomas V. Martin
Saint Augustine Parish
Clergy: Fr. Raymund M Reyes, Fr. Eduardo Dura, Fr. Henry Uwabunkeonye
Saint Bartholomew Parish
Clergy: Fr. Linh Tien Nguyen, Fr. Paul B. Arnoult
Saint Bruno Parish
Clergy: Fr. Rolando S. De la Rosa
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish
Clergy: Fr. John A. Ryan, Fr. Nicholas Case, Fr. Toan Nguyen, Fr. David Mees
Saint Charles Parish
Clergy: Fr. David Anthony Ghiorso, Fr. Roy Remo, JCD, Fr. Samuel Musiimenta
Saint Denis Parish
Clergy: Fr. W. Paul O’Dell
Saint Dunstan Parish
Clergy: Fr. Joseph P. Glynn CSSp, Fr. Brendan Hally, Fr. Ngoan V. Phan
Saint Francis of Assisi Parish
Clergy: Fr. Lawrence C. Goode, Fr. Gerardo Vazquez
Saint Gregory Parish
Clergy: Fr. Mark P. Reburiano
Saint Luke Parish
Clergy: Fr. Manuel D. Igrobay, Fr. Michael Rocha
Saint Mark Parish
Clergy: Fr. Angel N. Quitalig JCL, Fr. Dominic Lee
Holy Name Preschool
Laura Vicuna Pre-Kindergarten
Saint Anne Preschool
Saint Mary Preschool
Saint Paul Littlest Angel Preschool
Saint Philip Preschool
Saint Thomas the Apostle Preschool
Saint Stephens Preschool
Stella Maris Academy K-8
Tiny Knights Preschool at St. Gabriel
Utopia Preschool
Saint Raphael Preschool
All Souls Preschool
Holy Angels Preschool
Immaculate Heart of Mary School & Preschool, Belmont
Notre Dame Preschool
Our Lady of Angels Preschool
Our Lady of Mercy Preschool
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Preschool
Sacred Heart Preschool & Kindergarten
Saint Matthias Preschool
St. Pius Preschool
Conv. of the Sacred Heart Elem.
De Marillac Academy
Ecole Notre Dame des Victoires
Father Sauer Academy (St. Ignatius College Prep.)
School of the Epiphany
Holy Name School
Woodside Priory High School
Sacred Heart Preparatory
Notre Dame High School
Mercy B. High School
Junipero Serra High School
Marin Catholic High School
Stuart Hall High School
Saint Ignatius College Prep
Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep
Immaculate Conception Academy
Conv. of the Sacred Heart
Archbishop Riordan High School
Woodside Priory Middle School
Saint Veronica School
Saint Timothy School
Saint Robert School
Saint Raymond School
St. Pius School
Saint Matthew School
Saint Gregory School
Saint Dunstan School
Saint Charles School
Saint Catherine of Siena School
Sacred Heart Lower & Middle
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Our Lady of Mercy School
Our Lady of Angels School
Notre Dame Elementary
Nativity School
Holy Angels School
Good Shepherd School
All Souls School
Mission Dolores Academy
Our Lady of the Visitacion School
Saint Anne School
Saint Anthony-IC School
Saint Brendan School
Saint Brigid School
Saint Cecilia School
Saint Finn Barr School
Saint Gabriel School
Saint James School
Saint John School
Saint Monica School
Saint Peter School
Saint Philip School
Saint Stephen School
Saint Thomas More School
Saint Thomas the Apostle School
Saint Vincent de Paul School
Saints Peter & Paul School
Stuart Hall for Boys
Our Lady of Loretto School
Saint Anselm School
Saint Hilary School
Saint Isabella School
Saint Patrick School
Saint Raphael School
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Metropolitan Tribunal – Chancery Of Archdiocese Of San Francisco
Office of Finance
Office of ongoing Formation for Priests
Office of Human Resources
Office of Human Life and Dignity
Office of Vocations
Office of Pastoral Ministry
St. Matthias Church
Clergy: Fr. David Anthony Ghiorso, Fr. Roy Remo, JCD, Fr. Samuel Musiimenta
Office of Faith Formation
Office of Worship
St. Mary Star of the Sea
Clergy: Fr. Patrick T. Michaels
Sunday: 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.,
Holy Days: 5:30 p.m.
Daily Mass:
Monday, Wednesday 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 4:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
OR by appointment.
Legal Department
Serra Clergy House
Office of Moderator of the Curia
Office of Administrative Services (Building)
Office of Alliance of Mission District Catholic Schools
Office of Auxiliary Bishop (Emeriti)
Office of Catholic Identity Assessment & Formation
Department of Catholic Schools
Office of Chancellor
Archdiocese of San Francisco Chancery
Office of Child & Youth Protection
Office of Chinese Ministry
Office of Communication
Office of Consecrated Life
Office of Diaconate
Office of Ecumenical Affairs
Office of Evangelization
Office of Filipino Ministry
Office of I.T. and Parish Services
Office of Marriage & Family Life
Office of Propagation of the Faith & Missionary Childhool Assn.
Office of Presbyteral Council
Office of Safety & Emergency Services
Office of Spanish-Speaking Ministry
Office of Stewardship
Office of Youth Ministry & Young Adult Ministry
Benedict XVI Institute
Office of the Vicar for Clergy
Office of the Archbishop
Office of Diaconate Formation
HLD – Respect Life
HLD-Gabriel Project
Contemplatives of Saint Joseph Monastery
Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University
Saint Paul of the Shipwreck Parish
Clergy: Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, Fr. Martin Yusuf OSA
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
Clergy: Fr. Cameron Faller
Office of the Vicar General
ICA Cristo Rey Academy
St. Paul of the Shipwreck Catholic Church
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School
Diocese of San Jose
Diocese of Oakland
Holyrood Catholic Cemetery
Diocese of Stockton
Western Dominican Province
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
Notre Dame San Jose High School
Notre Dame San Jose High School
Mercy Center Burlingame
Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope
Test Place
Office for Women Religious
Academy of Our Lady of Peace
The Cathedral of Christ the Light
8:00 AM Vietnamese
11:00 AM English
1:30 PM Spanish
12:10 PM
12:10 PM
12:10 PM
12:10 PM followed by Adoration
12:10 PM
1st Friday:
7:00 PM Vietnamese
7:30 AM Vietnamese
Divine Savior Catholic Church
Archives – Chancery of Archdiocese of San Francisco
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Clergy: Fr. Moises R. Agudo, Fr. Deyvis Lopez-Jarquin, Fr. Stephen U. Nwankwo
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Clergy: Fr. Moises R. Agudo, Fr. Deyvis Lopez-Jarquin, Fr. Stephen U. Nwankwo
St. James Parish
Clergy: Fr. Mario Paul Farana, Fr. James Liebner SDV
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
Clergy: Fr. Mario Paul Farana, Fr. James Liebner SDV
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