Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
“[Catechesis] invites and enables adults “to acquire an attitude of conversion to the Lord.” This attitude views the Christian life as a gradual transformation in Christ, in which the Christian takes on the mind of Christ, trusts in the Father’s love, accepts the Spirit’s guidance in searching out and obeying God’s will, and seeks holiness of life within the Church. It fosters baptismal spirituality in which the Christian’s faith in Jesus is continuously deepened through participation in the sacraments, the works of charity and justice, and prayer life of the Church.” National Directory for Catechesis (NDC) USCCB 2005 #4
For more information on programs in your parish contact your Director of Faith Formation – Religious Education – or the Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Faith Formation at 415-614-5650.

Family Catechisis
Passing on the Faith
Parishes within the Archdiocese of San Francisco offer family-centered catechetial programs with their catechetical plan. All these forms are connected directly to the parish and work with the specific needs of each family.
For more information on programs in your parish contact your parish Director of Faith Formation or
The Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Faith Formation, 415-614-5650.
Children Catechesis
Formal Faith Formation
No children can be turned away from religious education because of limited space, timing, or the disposition of the parents. It is the responsibility of the Christian community by seeking dialogue with the families and propose appropriate forms of education.
Every parish has a responsibility to provide faith formation for the children and youth of their parish. This should be done by qualified adults, well trained and within the Safe Environment Guidelines of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. These programs can be shared between parishes and have a professional parish catechetical leader.
For more information on programs in your parish contact your Director of Faith Formation – Religious Education – or the Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Faith Formation at 415-614-5650.
Adolescent Catechesis
It is the entire Church community that is called upon to minister to adolescents. A team/companion approach for various ages, experiences, and gifts is vital. Together the formation of adolescents affirms them as full, active participants of the Church. The components of such programs need to be built around comprehensive youth ministry in every parish that sees itself as building disciples for Jesus Christ. Parishes must strive to provide Youth Ministry for all adolescents in their parishes.
In 1997 the United States Catholic Bishops developed a plan called “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry.” The document spells out eight components:
Prayer and Worship
Service and Justice
Community Life
Faith Formation
Advocates for Catholic Values
Pastoral Care
Two offices within the Archdiocese work with Youth Ministry and you may contact them for help:
Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry 415-614-5595
Office of Faith Formation 415-614-5650

Special Needs Faith Formation
“All persons with disabilities have the capacity to proclaim the Gospel and to be living witnesses to its truth within the community of faith and offer valuable gifts. Their involvement enriches every aspect of Church life. They are not just the recipients of catechesis—they are also its agents. All persons with disabilities or special needs should be welcomed in the Church. Every person, however limited, is capable of growth in holiness.
Some persons with disabilities live in isolating conditions that make it difficult for them to participate in catechetical experiences. Since the provision of access to religious functions is a pastoral duty, parishes should make that much more effort to include those who may feel excluded.
The Church’s pastoral response in such situations is to learn about the disability, offer support to the family, and welcome the child.”
National Directory for Catechesis USCCB, #49
St. Benedict Parish for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired at St. Francis Xavier Church welcomes all persons and their families. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM in ASL, with voice interpretation in English. All age groups are welcome to faith formation programs.
St. Benedict Parish for the Deaf
1801 Octavia St. San Francisco, California 94109
Tel.: 415-567-9855
For more information on programs in your parish contact your Director of Faith Formation – Religious Education – or the Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Faith Formation at 415-614-5650.
For more information on programs for SPECIAL NEEDS contact Lorna Feria,
Office of Faith Formation: 415-6145654 or [email protected]
Office of Faith Formation
Sr. Celeste Arbuckle, SSS
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94109
Ms. Claudia Atilano

SAN FRANCISCO, California 94109
Lorna Feria

SAN FRANCISCO, California 94109
Raúl Lara

SAN FRANCISCO, California 94109
Anelita Reyes

SAN FRANCISCO, California 94109
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